I Love To See People Succeed

Oct 09, 2023

I feel zero competition with them - just unadulterated joy - joy for their joy. I love watching people win at whatever they’ve been striving for. When it’s a big win - I am happy to shed happy tears for them - who cares if anyone is watching. The Olympics are filled with opportunities to shed happy tears for complete strangers!

My favorite are the underdogs. The one who perhaps had more heart than skill, or the one who started out shaky and had to come back bigger than others to create their moment. After all, meeting your moment is a perfect storm of events coming together in just the right way, and at just the right time. It encompasses all the unseen effort, the blood, sweat, and tears that now make it look easy. Why shouldn’t I celebrate that for someone - and better still - I hope they take a minute to celebrate themselves.

When someone’s dream comes true - whether it’s a sporting event hard-won on the field, a talent contest, or personal or professional achievement, it is a beautiful thing to see. Have you paid attention to the elation on their face? Have you seen how their entire face radiates? First comes the shock - that I can’t believe it moment - are you sure, seriously, did I really do it? Then comes the exhilaration - cue to tears, chills, fist pumps, mouths agape! It’s sublime to witness. Picture a moment in your mind when you have been witness to this type of once-in-a-lifetime moment. There may be many occasions to celebrate, but each is unique not only because their literal moment can never be replicated but because the experience of getting there is unique to each of us.

It takes a certain mindset to be happy for others, and I think it starts with being okay with yourself. It’s hard to celebrate others and be authentically joy-filled when you are, instead, filled with jealousy or resentment. Mel Robbins reminds us that jealousy should not be looked upon as a bad thing, but rather as a signal of what you want. The trick is what you’re going to do about it.

Take a moment to reflect on your reaction and ask yourself the tough question of why you find it difficult to celebrate for another. Is there a trigger that needs to be dealt with? To feel pure joy of your own, you have to be able to give it away. If not, there will always be a shadow over your own celebrations. It is worth figuring out why there may be resentment and getting to a place of grace, forgiveness, or stepping away from the pain in your unique way.

The thing is, there is enough space and grace to celebrate everyone. Their success doesn’t take away from our own; in fact, psychologically, their success, shows us that it is possible. So cheer for their win, celebrate the accomplishment that you know means so much and has been hard-won - even if you didn’t see all the steps it took them to get there. Seldom does overnight success actually happen the way we think, and I, for one, give mad props to those who have endured and come out winning (whatever that is for them).

Until it is my turn, I will clap for others - joyfully!

Cheers to your expedition to self.




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