The Feedback Conundrum

Nov 06, 2023

Feedback is the unsung hero of leadership - at least, it should be. Picture this, you’re leading a team, and you’ve got the vision, the charisma, and the stylish leadership mug. But there is one thing you might be missing, something that can make or break your team’s success - feedback. 


Now, I know the word “feedback” can sound about as exciting as watching paint dry, but it’s truly a superpower in the world of leadership. Hear me out, and let me explain why it’s more important than you might think.


Fantastic as you are, you’re not telepathic (at least not yet). If you don’t tell your team what is on your mind, how can you expect them to align with your vision or improve their performance? With clear feedback, you’re demonstrating your belief in them and modeling respect by allowing them the opportunity to work in tandem with you and course correct any areas that may need improvement. Feedback is the source of growth for your teams. If you want them to flourish, you have to be courageous enough to provide them with all the information they need. Positive feedback and reinforcement will serve as a burst of energy for them to keep going in that effective direction, and constructive feedback will act as a gentle nudge to help them adjust so they can continue to evolve. 


We all know that leader who avoids difficult conversations with their staff to the detriment not just of that individual, but the team or the project at large. Imagine how you felt when you didn’t hear anything from your boss. Being in the dark about how you’re performing is super frustrating! The echo chamber of what you thought the boss thought about you and your work could be gloriously unrealistic, or equally harsh - and both could be completely off base. By communicating with your team, you’re building trust as they begin to recognize that you are invested in their development. A regular cadence of feedback will keep them motivated and engaged, propelling them forward.


As difficult as it may be to provide constructive feedback, it’s important to remember that failure is not a dirty word. With the right mindset, this type of feedback can serve as a stepping stone to their success. You have the opportunity to help them learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. It’s like giving them a treasure map with “X marks the spot of growth” on it. Sometimes, people need someone to hold up a mirror so they can see their strengths and weaknesses, and, more importantly, see how they come across to others. Feedback does just that. It is the mirror that reflects what is working well and what needs a bit of polish. 


Give feedback its due, and use it to cultivate growth, build trust, and unleash the potential of your team. Keep it light-hearted, sprinkle in a little wit, and make feedback the superhero in your leadership arsenal. When your team is accustomed to receiving feedback from you, they develop incredible self-awareness. They can spot issues, make improvements, and tackle challenges head-on. A convenient consequence of this is that it ripples out to become part of the culture, as your team begins to establish this leadership capability in their own right. They take this valuable skill into other areas of their lives, generating more ripples at home, in their communities, and beyond,






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