

Navigating the Crossroads May 27, 2024

We’ve all been there: standing at a crossroads, unsure which path to take. It could be a big decision, like whether to switch careers, or a smaller one, like picking a vacation destination. The uncertainty can feel paralyzing. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to stay...

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Growth vs. the Quest for Contentment Apr 29, 2024

In our culture, the pursuit of growth is often heralded as the ultimate objective, a relentless march toward progress and improvement. From personal development to economic expansion, the mantra of growth echoes across various facets of life. Yet, amidst this clamor for advancement, there's a...

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Is Your Anger a Badge of Honor? Apr 15, 2024


Are you punishing them or yourself? 

That was the question that turned this coaching session around. As odd as it may seem, this is where, as a coach, I smile. I had closely watched their reactions and listened to their breath, catching the tick in their pulse on their neck....

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Unveiling the Pain Behind the Outburst Mar 26, 2024

 In the intricate tapestry of human emotions, anger often emerges as a primal response to pain and fear. As a coach guiding individuals through personal growth, I've come to recognize and accept a profound truth: hurt people often resort to hurting others, and usually it’s the people...

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Do You Live In A Bubble? Mar 12, 2024

I was recently accused of living in a bubble, blissfully unaware of life’s realities beyond my immediate surroundings. My gut reaction was denial; after all, I believed my past struggles made me empathetic to others’ plights. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it...

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