

Spreading Cheer in Your Team Sphere Dec 19, 2023

'Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to embrace the festive spirit than by giving a hearty shoutout to the unsung heroes of your daily grind – your amazing team! As the year winds down, are you planning to dive into some festive ways to sprinkle a little extra joy and gratitude...

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Influence Without Authority Nov 19, 2023

The corporate jungle can be a wild place, and your authority might be limited, but that doesn't mean you can't influence the pride. When you can persuade, inspire, and motivate without having formal authority, but rather due to your confidence and expertise, you're demonstrating a critical...

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The Feedback Conundrum Nov 06, 2023

Feedback is the unsung hero of leadership - at least, it should be. Picture this, you’re leading a team, and you’ve got the vision, the charisma, and the stylish leadership mug. But there is one thing you might be missing, something that can make or break your team’s...

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Listening - The Art of Connection Oct 23, 2023

Listening is an art form and requires an intention to be done well. We hear things all day long, whether it’s traffic, the chimes from various phones, or music. Listening, on the other hand, refers to giving focused attention to the sounds you hear. You can hear background...

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I Love To See People Succeed Oct 09, 2023

I feel zero competition with them - just unadulterated joy - joy for their joy. I love watching people win at whatever they’ve been striving for. When it’s a big win - I am happy to shed happy tears for them - who cares if anyone is watching. The Olympics are filled with opportunities...

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